Maintaince valet

Maintaince valet

15 minutes

-wheels/tyres/arches cleaned 

-pre wash using citrus pre wash/snow foam

-contact wash with shampoo

-Quick paint sealent applied giving a hydrophobic finish if needed.

-dried with blower and microfibre

-door shuts dried

-glass cleaned. 

-tyre dressing 

Why not add a deep clean to remove tar spots and metal particles.

If your car is LARGE !! (i.e larger suv/4x4) the cost will be slightly more £25/£30

Please be aware I can only hold potential booking dates that aren't confirmed by you for 48 hours as I have more bookings waiting and can't hold dates with others waiting sorry. 

Where possible I use an outside tap and electric at your location if this isn't possible I can bring spotless water just advise me when booking. 

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